About - Rugby Net Zero
RUGBYNETZERO and the RUGBYNETZERO website is administered by Rugby Borough Council. However, achieving Net Zero will need a partnership of public agencies, businesses, voluntary and community organisations and residents.
We want this website to help residents on their own journey to reduce their carbon footprint, and reflect the work of partners and communities as we take that journey together. We will add tips and resources as they are ready. Get in touch to contribute your ideas or projects. Let's get this done together.
We want this website to help residents on their own journey to reduce their carbon footprint, and reflect the work of partners and communities as we take that journey together. We will add tips and resources as they are ready. Get in touch to contribute your ideas or projects. Let's get this done together.
Our motif
The graphic element of our logo is made up of a large '0' that contains a rugby ball/leaf symbol. The rugby ball shape ties the logo back to the borough of Rugby and Rugby Borough Council. The leaf represents the restoration of nature that can be achieved with the plans to achieve 'net zero' carbon emissions.

Our partners to date
We can only move to zero carbon if we work together. We want to work with businesses, public agencies, parish councils and community and voluntary organisations who can help move to net zero. These are some of the organisations we have partnered with. Please get in touch if you want to get involved.
Sustrans is the organisation making it easier for people to walk and cycle
Visit the Sustrans website

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is the leading local independent conservation organisation. Their mission is to bring people closer to nature and create a land rich in wildlife.
View the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust website

HERU is on a mission to move away from the linear economy to a cicular one and eliminate waste.
Visit the HERU website

Transition Town Rugby
Transition Town Rugby are a community-led group started in June 2019, focused on the idea of providing a sustainable future for the town we call home.
Visit the Transition Town Rugby website

Rugby Cycle Forum
Rugby Cycle Forum (RCF) exists to comment on and influence policies and plans that have an impact on cyclists and cycling in the area. The forum brings together local cyclists, officers from Rugby Borough and Warwickshire County Councils, councillors and related organisations like Sustrans, with the aim of making cycling safe, convenient and pleasant in and around Rugby. RCF currently meets four times a year and is open to anyone with an interest in making cycling better for all."
Contact Rugby Cycle Forum via email at RugbyCycleForum@gmail.com